Insight Yoga

10 best books like Insight Yoga (Sarah Powers): Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself, Taking the Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears, The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice, The Key Muscles of Hatha Yoga, The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga: The Philosophy and Practice of Yin Yoga, Kom hier dat ik u kus, Yin Yoga: Outline of a Quiet Practice, How Yoga Works, Your Body, Your Yoga: Learn Alignment Cues That Are Skillful, Safe, and Best Suited To You, Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System As a Path to the Self

Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself
AuthorMelody Beattie
The healing touchstone of millions, this modern classic by one of America's best-loved and most inspirational authors holds the key to understanding codependency and to unlocking its stultifying hold on your life.

Is someone else's problem your problem? If, like so many others, you've...
Taking the Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears
AuthorPema Chödrön
Best-seller Pema Chödrön draws on the Buddhist concept of shenpa to help us see how certain habits of mind tend to “hook” us and get us stuck in states of anger, blame, self-hatred, and addiction. The good news is that once we start to recognize these patterns, they instantly begin to lose their...
AuthorT.K.V. Desikachar
The first yoga text to outline a step-by-step sequence for developing a complete practice according to viniyoga--yoga adapted to the needs of the individual.

• A contemporary classic by a world-renowned teacher.

• This new edition adds thirty-two poems by Krishnamacharya...
AuthorRay Long
This is the third edition of The Key Muscles of Hatha Yoga, with extended contents. There is a new cover, over 50 new pages with an expanded chapter on the breath and more biomechanics in yoga. 244 page book with over 650 colour 3D computer generated images of a human skeleton covering over thirty key muscles...
AuthorBernie Clark
Bernie Clark's The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga provides an in-depth look at the philosophy and practice of Yin Yoga with illustrated sections on how to practice Yin Yoga, including descriptions with photographs of 30 Yin Yoga asanas.

All forms of yoga can provide benefits physically, emotionally,...
Kom hier dat ik u kus
AuthorGriet Op de Beeck
Kom hier dat ik u kus is een roman over Mona, als kind, als vierentwintigjarige, en als vijfendertigjarige. Een verhaal over waarom we worden wie we zijn, geschreven met humor, scherpte en veel schaamteloze eerlijkheid. Over ouders en kinderen. Over kapotte mensen en hoe zij ongewild anderen ook kapotmaken....
AuthorPaul Grilley
Yin Yoga: Outline of a Quiet Practice brings together in a fresh way the ancient wisdom of acupuncture and Taoism with Hindu yoga practices. The Yin aspect of Yoga (using postures that stretch connective tissue) is virtually unknown but vital for a balanced approach to physical and mental health. Paul...
AuthorMichael Roach
Really wanted to like this book. Yoga teachers who I respect highly recommended it. I don't object to the content but rather to the vehicle--a dramatic tale ostensibly set in an ancient Indian kingdom.

First, I have a low tolerance for historical inaccuracy in fiction. Details of language,...
AuthorBernie Clark
Yoga is big business today, and teacher training programs are booming. Yoga teachers have a thirst for anatomy training, but all books on yoga anatomy focus solely on the muscles. Your Body, Your Yoga goes beyond any prior yoga anatomy book available. It looks not only at the body’s unique anatomical...
Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System As a Path to the Self
AuthorAnodea Judith
In EASTERN BODY, WESTERN MIND, chakra authority Anodea Judith brought a fresh approach to the yoga-based Eastern chakra system, adapting it to the Western framework of Jungian psychology, somatic therapy, childhood developmental theory, and metaphysics. This groundbreaking work in transpersonal...
True Meditation: Discover the Freedom of Pure Awareness
What would happen if you were to allow everything to be exactly as it is? If you gave up the need for control, and instead embraced the whole of your experience in each moment that arose? In the 14 years that he studied Zen, Adyashanti found that most seasoned meditators had used the practice as "an end instead...
Over liefde en loslaten
AuthorJan Geurtz
Over liefde en loslaten is een persoonlijke gids op je spirituele zoektocht naar de essentie van het bestaan. Van Geurtz verschenen eerder de bestsellers De opluchting, De verslaving voorbij, Het einde van de opvoeding, Verslaafd aan de liefde, Verslaafd aan denken, Bevrijd door liefde en Vrij van...
Bevrijd door liefde
AuthorJan Geurtz
Het beste wat we hebben
AuthorGriet Op de Beeck
De zitting was in volle gang, maar Lucas stond op en liep de raadkamer uit. Soms weet een lijf beter wat te doen dan alle opgetelde rationaliteit. Hij stapte in zijn auto en zonder veel nadenken reed hij naar de brug, die brug waar elk jaar gemiddeld veertien mensen af sprongen.

Het beste wat we...
Verslaafd aan liefde
AuthorJan Geurtz
In Verslaafd aan liefde toont Jan Geurtz dat onze zoektocht naar liefde en erkenning voortkomt uit een fundamentele zelf-afwijzing. Die proberen we te compenseren door waardering van anderen, en vooral door een succesvolle liefdesrelatie. Maar dat werkt averechts: het versterkt juist die fundamentele...
Verslaafd aan denken
AuthorJan Geurtz
Hoe komt het dat we vaak geen enkele zeggenschap lijken te hebben over wat we denken? Waarom gaan we steeds méér denken als we gebukt gaan onder beknellende gedachten? En hoe komt het dat we onszelf bij een toekomstige vervelende gebeurtenis al weken van tevoren lastig vallen met angstige gedachten...
Your Spine, Your Yoga: Developing Stability and Mobility for Your Spine
AuthorBernie Clark
Your Spine, Your Yoga is arguably the first book that looks at the spine from both the Western anatomical/biomechanical point of view and the modern yoga perspective. It is filled with detail, discussion, illustrations, and practical advice for spines of all types. This emphasis on variety is welcome...
DotCom Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Growing Your Company Online
AuthorRussell Brunson
If you are currently struggling with getting traffic to your website, or converting that traffic when it shows up, you may think you’ve got a traffic or conversion problem. In Russell Brunson's experience, after working with thousands of businesses, he has found that’s rarely the case. Low traffic...
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