
10 best books like Listen! (Vladimir Mayakovsky): Selected Poems, The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Village Evenings Near Dikanka and Mirgorod, Горе от ума, Who Can Be Happy And Free In Russia, Иуда Искариот, Лирика, The Three Fat Men, Krylov's Fables (Classics of Russian literature), Poor Liza

AuthorMarina Tsvetaeva
Under normal circumstances with poetry I always like an in-depth read up on the writer prior to reading if it's somebody that I know nothing about, in the case of Marina Tsvetaeva my knowledge of her was non-existent, but hastily threw myself into the deep end instead of getting my feet wet first, so I had...
AuthorAlexander Pushkin
Bitterly, the weaver sighed,
And the cook in passion cried,
Full of jealousy and hate
Of their sister's happy fate.
- Alexander Pushkin
Human beings are complex creatures. We can love and hate with the same energy. When we meet a cruel person, we call him “inhuman”. Because...
AuthorNikolai Gogol
Hailed universally as Russia's finest comic writer, and by many as its greatest writer of prose, Nikolai creates a unique Ukranian world, from the darkest Gothic to folkloric levity. Here, this extraordinary countryside is revealed in all its variety in his first two collections of short stories....
AuthorAleksandr Griboyedov
"Горе от ума" - одна из первых русских комедий, разодранных на пословицы и поговорки, которыми до сих пор украшена речь всякого мало-мальски начитанного...
AuthorNikolay A. Nekrasov
Seven peasants argue over who is most happy and free in Russia. Each has a different idea, and when a little bird gives them a magic tablecloth that serves them a feast each day including a bucket of vodka, they travel about Russia to find out which of the seven is right. The little bird warns them not to use...
Иуда Искариот
AuthorLeonid Andreyev
В прозе Леонида Андреева причудливо переплелись трепетная эмоциональность, дотошный интерес к повседневности русской жизни и подчас иррациональный...
AuthorMikhail Lermontov
Поэт в России - больше, чем поэт.
В ней суждено поэтами рождаться
лишь тем, в ком бродит гордый дух гражданства,
кому уюта нет, покоя нет.
(Е. А. Евтушенко)

AuthorYury Olesha
Doctor Gaspar Arney
What a clever man is he!
He can trap the sliest fox,
He can crack the hardest rocks,
He can fly from here to Mars,
He can reach the farthest stars!

This jolly song takes us in to the world of make-believe created by Yuri Olesha. The scene is set in a fantastic...
AuthorIvan Krylov
Крылов считал, что басня, как и всякое произведение искусства, должна быть проста и понятна: "А ларчик просто открывался!". Вот такими "ларчиками" с сокровищами...
AuthorNikolay Mikhailovich Karamzin
Nikolaj Karamzin (1766-1826) is vooral bekend als vernieuwer van de Russische literaire taal. Met die vernieuwing legde hij de basis voor de grote Russische klassieke literatuur van de negentiende eeuw. Zijn novelle Arme Liza (1792) is een van de eerste werken die in dit nieuwe proza is geschreven.
AuthorMikhail Lermontov
Lermontov is probably the second most revered poet in Russia after Alexander Pushkin. If Pushkin can be compared to William Shakespeare in scale of the impact he had on his native language, then I would say Lermontov is like John Keats, who had a bright, albeit brief literary career. Like Pushkin, Lermontov...
AuthorSergei Aksakov
সাত সমুদ্দুর তেরো নদী পাড়ি দিয়ে সওদাগর যাবেন বাণিজ্যে; তিন কন্যার জন্য কী আনতে হবে, তা জানতে ওদের ডেকে...
AuthorAlexander Pushkin
My last challenge for the Modern Mrs. Darcy Challenge. Three days to read 16 pages (I have four days, but one for emergencies). Doesn't sound much, but the tale is Russian. I can read it, but slowly. I have to look up a lot of words.
The tale is famous, of course: the husband of a poor, poor couple finds...
AuthorMaxim Gorky
я всегда любила русский авторов, но начинала читать Горького только два года назад. Никогда не поздно начинать читать хорошего писателя. мне он очень...
The Snow Storm
AuthorAlexander Pushkin
Do your students enjoy a good laugh? Do they like to be scared? Or do they just like a book with a happy ending? No matter what their taste, our Creative Short Stories series has the answer.We've taken some of the world's best stories from dark, musty anthologies and brought them into the light, giving them...
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