Горе от ума

10 best books like Горе от ума (Aleksandr Griboyedov): Village Evenings Near Dikanka and Mirgorod, The Collected Poems, The Garnet Bracelet, and Other Stories, The Storm, Тёмные аллеи, Who Can Be Happy And Free In Russia, Золотой Ключик, или Приключения Буратино, Krylov's Fables (Classics of Russian literature), Недоросль, The Little Tragedies

AuthorNikolai Gogol
Hailed universally as Russia's finest comic writer, and by many as its greatest writer of prose, Nikolai creates a unique Ukranian world, from the darkest Gothic to folkloric levity. Here, this extraordinary countryside is revealed in all its variety in his first two collections of short stories....
AuthorSergei Yesenin
"Preserving in English the immortal spirit and rhyme of the great Russian genius."

Biographical notes on Esenin and Isadora Duncan precede each vol. and some chapters.

Includes several color reproductions of landscape paintings by Isaac Levitan mounted on pages with captions,...
AuthorAleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin
Stories contained in this volume: Moloch, Olesya, Night Duty, The White Poodle, I Was An Actor, The Gambrinus Emerald, The Garnet Bracelet. Aleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin (1870-1938) was Russian novelist and short-story writer. He was an army officer for several years before he resigned to pursue a...
AuthorAleksandr Ostrovsky
KATERINA. Yes, I am well.... It would be better if I were ill, it's worse as it is. A dream keeps creeping into my mind, and I cannot get away from it. I try to think--I can't collect my thoughts, I try to pray--but I can't get free by prayer. My lips murmur the words but my heart is far away; as though the evil one...
AuthorIvan Bunin
Когда-то давно, ещё в школе, наша заботливая учительница литературы выбрала на свой вкус пару рассказов Бунина, и я точно помню, что они были из сборника...
AuthorNikolay A. Nekrasov
Seven peasants argue over who is most happy and free in Russia. Each has a different idea, and when a little bird gives them a magic tablecloth that serves them a feast each day including a bucket of vodka, they travel about Russia to find out which of the seven is right. The little bird warns them not to use...
AuthorAleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy
''ফ্রকের ভাঁজ আর রিবনগুলো ঠিকঠাক করে নিয়ে বুরাতিনোর হাত ধরে মেয়েটি তাকে নিয়ে এলো বাড়ির ভেতরে, মানুষ...
AuthorIvan Krylov
Крылов считал, что басня, как и всякое произведение искусства, должна быть проста и понятна: "А ларчик просто открывался!". Вот такими "ларчиками" с сокровищами...
AuthorDenis Fonvizin
"Недоросль" - шедевр русской драматургии, бессмертная комедия, знакомая нам еще со школьных лет. В ней прямо указан корень всех бед России - крепостное...
AuthorAlexander Pushkin
In a major burst of creativity, Russian poet Alexander Pushkin during just three months in 1830 completed Eugene Onegin, composed more than thirty lyric poems, wrote several short stories and folk tales, and penned the four short dramas in verse that comprise the "little tragedies". The "little tragedies"...
AuthorIvan Turgenev
Mumu (Russian: «Муму») is a short story by Ivan Turgenev, a Russian novelist and story writer, written in 1854.

The story of Gerasim, a deaf and mute serf whose life of poverty is brought into sharp relief by his connection with Mumu, a dog he rescued, brought greater national attention...
AuthorMikhail Lermontov
Евгений Арбенин — игрок, ловелас, «надменный баловень судьбы», всё перечувствовал, всё узнал, во всём успел разочароваться. И, наконец, увидя в юной красавице...
AuthorLeonid Filatov
`В нашей пишущей стране пишут даже на стене. Вот и мне пришла охота быть со всеми наравне!` Так в шутливом интервью объяснил когда-то Леонид Филатов, с чего...
AuthorEduard Uspensky
Эта история случилась в большом городе. Можно сказать, что такие маленькие трагедии происходят в большом городе каждый день. Один мальчик позвал к себе...
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