Village Evenings Near Dikanka and Mirgorod

10 best books like Village Evenings Near Dikanka and Mirgorod (Nikolai Gogol): The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Горе от ума, Golden Calf, The Collected Poems, Selected Poems, Волшебник Изумрудного города, Demon, The Garnet Bracelet, and Other Stories, The Storm, Тёмные аллеи

AuthorAlexander Pushkin
Bitterly, the weaver sighed,
And the cook in passion cried,
Full of jealousy and hate
Of their sister's happy fate.
- Alexander Pushkin
Human beings are complex creatures. We can love and hate with the same energy. When we meet a cruel person, we call him “inhuman”. Because...
AuthorAleksandr Griboyedov
"Горе от ума" - одна из первых русских комедий, разодранных на пословицы и поговорки, которыми до сих пор украшена речь всякого мало-мальски начитанного...
AuthorIlya Ilf
It's hard sometimes for a book or a movie to make me genuinely lol. I was giggling so hard while reading Zolotoi Telenok, it deserves four, if not five stars just for that.
Ilf and Petrov are a very witty couple, and even though the narration and the language of their books seem light-hearted, a lot of...
AuthorSergei Yesenin
"Preserving in English the immortal spirit and rhyme of the great Russian genius."

Biographical notes on Esenin and Isadora Duncan precede each vol. and some chapters.

Includes several color reproductions of landscape paintings by Isaac Levitan mounted on pages with captions,...
AuthorAlexander Blok
Aleksandr Blok (1880-1921) lived through his country's savage wars and radical traumas trying to welcome the new order. Trotsky wrote, `Certainly Blok is not one of us, but he came towards us. And that is what broke him.' Pasternak said, `He is as free as the wind.'.
AuthorAlexander Volkov
Сказочная повесть Александра Волкова, написанная в 1939 и являющаяся переработкой сказки Фрэнка Баума «Удивительный Волшебник из Страны Оз» (The Wonderful...
AuthorMikhail Lermontov
Where the land knows no time
where bonfires have no end,
and doomed shadows often tend
to mutter songs that poorly rhyme,

there lies the Demon, another prey of his kingdom.

and one by one the ages passed,
as minute follows after minute,
each one monotonously...
AuthorAleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin
Stories contained in this volume: Moloch, Olesya, Night Duty, The White Poodle, I Was An Actor, The Gambrinus Emerald, The Garnet Bracelet. Aleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin (1870-1938) was Russian novelist and short-story writer. He was an army officer for several years before he resigned to pursue a...
AuthorAleksandr Ostrovsky
KATERINA. Yes, I am well.... It would be better if I were ill, it's worse as it is. A dream keeps creeping into my mind, and I cannot get away from it. I try to think--I can't collect my thoughts, I try to pray--but I can't get free by prayer. My lips murmur the words but my heart is far away; as though the evil one...
AuthorIvan Bunin
Когда-то давно, ещё в школе, наша заботливая учительница литературы выбрала на свой вкус пару рассказов Бунина, и я точно помню, что они были из сборника...
AuthorAleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy
''ফ্রকের ভাঁজ আর রিবনগুলো ঠিকঠাক করে নিয়ে বুরাতিনোর হাত ধরে মেয়েটি তাকে নিয়ে এলো বাড়ির ভেতরে, মানুষ...
AuthorYury Olesha
Doctor Gaspar Arney
What a clever man is he!
He can trap the sliest fox,
He can crack the hardest rocks,
He can fly from here to Mars,
He can reach the farthest stars!

This jolly song takes us in to the world of make-believe created by Yuri Olesha. The scene is set in a fantastic...
AuthorIvan Turgenev
Mumu (Russian: «Муму») is a short story by Ivan Turgenev, a Russian novelist and story writer, written in 1854.

The story of Gerasim, a deaf and mute serf whose life of poverty is brought into sharp relief by his connection with Mumu, a dog he rescued, brought greater national attention...
AuthorAlexander Grin
Scarlet Sails, a beloved Russian fairy-tale for adults and children alike, is a story about dreams coming true, no matter how silly or futile or far-reached they may seem.

(Because of this book, I even had a sailor suit when I was little :D)

Who hasn't had wild childhood dreams that we...
AuthorEduard Uspensky
Эта история случилась в большом городе. Можно сказать, что такие маленькие трагедии происходят в большом городе каждый день. Один мальчик позвал к себе...
AuthorNikolay Nosov
Целую страну, населенную забавными коротышками, создал Н.Носов. Обитатели этой страны беззаботны, жизнерадостны, наивны, изобретательны, любопытны...
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