Krylov's Fables (Classics of Russian literature)

10 best books like Krylov's Fables (Classics of Russian literature) (Ivan Krylov): Selected Poems, The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Горе от ума, Бесприданница, The Three Fat Men, Малахитовая шкатулка. Уральские сказы, Недоросль, Про Федота-стрельца, удалого молодца, Дядя Фёдор, пёс и кот, Бородино

AuthorMarina Tsvetaeva
Under normal circumstances with poetry I always like an in-depth read up on the writer prior to reading if it's somebody that I know nothing about, in the case of Marina Tsvetaeva my knowledge of her was non-existent, but hastily threw myself into the deep end instead of getting my feet wet first, so I had...
AuthorAlexander Pushkin
Bitterly, the weaver sighed,
And the cook in passion cried,
Full of jealousy and hate
Of their sister's happy fate.
- Alexander Pushkin
Human beings are complex creatures. We can love and hate with the same energy. When we meet a cruel person, we call him “inhuman”. Because...
AuthorAleksandr Griboyedov
"Горе от ума" - одна из первых русских комедий, разодранных на пословицы и поговорки, которыми до сих пор украшена речь всякого мало-мальски начитанного...
AuthorAleksandr Ostrovsky
This story will always have a special place in my heart, since it's the first one in a while that made me sympathize with a character to the point of actually crying my eyes out. To be fair, though - it wasn't Ostrovsky's doing. We have Guzeeva's performance in "Cruel Romance" to thank for that. Like so many...
AuthorYury Olesha
Doctor Gaspar Arney
What a clever man is he!
He can trap the sliest fox,
He can crack the hardest rocks,
He can fly from here to Mars,
He can reach the farthest stars!

This jolly song takes us in to the world of make-believe created by Yuri Olesha. The scene is set in a fantastic...
AuthorPavel Bazhov
В подарочное издание уральских сказов П.Бажова вошли такие известные его произведения, как `Малахитовая шкатулка`, `Каменный цветок`, `Медной горы Хозяйка`...
AuthorDenis Fonvizin
"Недоросль" - шедевр русской драматургии, бессмертная комедия, знакомая нам еще со школьных лет. В ней прямо указан корень всех бед России - крепостное...
AuthorLeonid Filatov
`В нашей пишущей стране пишут даже на стене. Вот и мне пришла охота быть со всеми наравне!` Так в шутливом интервью объяснил когда-то Леонид Филатов, с чего...
AuthorEduard Uspensky
Эта история случилась в большом городе. Можно сказать, что такие маленькие трагедии происходят в большом городе каждый день. Один мальчик позвал к себе...
AuthorMikhail Lermontov
Lermontov is probably the second most revered poet in Russia after Alexander Pushkin. If Pushkin can be compared to William Shakespeare in scale of the impact he had on his native language, then I would say Lermontov is like John Keats, who had a bright, albeit brief literary career. Like Pushkin, Lermontov...
AuthorSergei Aksakov
সাত সমুদ্দুর তেরো নদী পাড়ি দিয়ে সওদাগর যাবেন বাণিজ্যে; তিন কন্যার জন্য কী আনতে হবে, তা জানতে ওদের ডেকে...
AuthorAlexander Pushkin
My last challenge for the Modern Mrs. Darcy Challenge. Three days to read 16 pages (I have four days, but one for emergencies). Doesn't sound much, but the tale is Russian. I can read it, but slowly. I have to look up a lot of words.
The tale is famous, of course: the husband of a poor, poor couple finds...
AuthorPyotr Yershov
Osobne som nikdy o tejto rozprávke predtým nepočula, ale čo sa nájde vrámci KK je poklad, takže som si uchmatla :)
Pozdával sa mi veršovaný štýl i príbeh samotný, nebol len úsmevný ale mal aj svoje posolstvo a koník sa dobre staral o svojho Ivana. A ten i keď možno nebol z najmúdrejších...
The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights
AuthorAlexander Pushkin
See also:
Norwegian: Aleksander Pusjkin

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was a Russian Romantic author who is considered to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature Pushkin pioneered the use of vernacular speech in his poems and plays, creating a style...
Dr Ouch
AuthorKorney Chukovsky
Doctor Concocter, adapted by Richard N. Coe, illustrated by William Papas.

A loose translation of the Russian children's poem Доктор Айболит - also available in English as Doctor Ouch - this picture-book follows the adventures of the eponymous Doctor Concocter, who is...
Денискины рассказы
AuthorVictor Dragunsky
Знаменитые «Денискины рассказы» Виктора Драгунского открывают читателю неповторимый мир Дениски Кораблёва и его друзей, где их детская непосредственность...
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