Mirgorod: Four Tales by Nikolai Gogol

10 best books like Mirgorod: Four Tales by Nikolai Gogol (Nikolai Gogol): Cursed Days: Diary of a Revolution, My Past and Thoughts: The Memoirs of Alexander Herzen, Hedgehog in the Fog, Who Can Be Happy And Free In Russia, Иуда Искариот, Лирика, Virgin Soil Upturned, Asya / First Love, The Precipice, Олеся

AuthorIvan Bunin
“Blessed are those who will visit this world in its fatal moments!” Tyutchev – Cicero
The country is flooded with twilight… Anarchy and chaos are reigning over the nation…
No one believes the newspapers… Hearsay and rumours are all the news…
There is a rumor that the Allies...
AuthorAlexander Herzen
Alexander Herzen's own brilliance and the extraordinary circumstances of his life combine to place his memoirs among the greatest works of the modern era. Born in 1812, the illegitimate son of a wealthy Russian landowner, he became one of the most important revolutionary and intellectual figures...
AuthorSergey Kozlov
'Hedgehog in the Fog' is an international bestseller which has already been published in many languages. The book is based on Francesca Yarbusova's sketches to the award-winning animated film directed by Yuri Norstein. It is about the adventures of the philosophical little Hedgehog on his way to...
AuthorNikolay A. Nekrasov
Seven peasants argue over who is most happy and free in Russia. Each has a different idea, and when a little bird gives them a magic tablecloth that serves them a feast each day including a bucket of vodka, they travel about Russia to find out which of the seven is right. The little bird warns them not to use...
Иуда Искариот
AuthorLeonid Andreyev
В прозе Леонида Андреева причудливо переплелись трепетная эмоциональность, дотошный интерес к повседневности русской жизни и подчас иррациональный...
AuthorMikhail Lermontov
Поэт в России - больше, чем поэт.
В ней суждено поэтами рождаться
лишь тем, в ком бродит гордый дух гражданства,
кому уюта нет, покоя нет.
(Е. А. Евтушенко)

Virgin Soil Upturned
AuthorMikhail Sholokhov
I initially found this book after reading Atlas Shrugged and 1000+ pages of Ayn Rand's capitalist/individualist hardliner-y, I googled "book that's the opposite of Atlas Shrugged." This book was recommended and it's been sitting on myself unread for about a year and a half.
But recently, due...
AuthorIvan Turgenev
First Love is a vivid, sensitive tale of adolescent love follows a 16-year-old boy who falls in love with a beautiful, older woman and experiences a whirlwind of changing emotions, from exaltation and jealousy to despair and devotion. First Love is introduced by David Cecil. A Fire at Sea is lesser known...
AuthorIvan Goncharov
Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov (1812-1891) was one of the leading members of the great circle of Russian writers who, in the middle of the nineteenth century, gathered around the Sovremmenik (Contemporary) under Nekrasov's editorship-a circle including Turgenev, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Byelinsky,...
AuthorAleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin
A worthy example of classics in Russian literature, exploring the themes of love, cowardice, class inequality and the power of superstitions. All these done through a masterly use of a very rich Russian language, further enriched by colloqualism. The character of a strong-spirited witch Olesya...
AuthorIvan Krylov
Крылов считал, что басня, как и всякое произведение искусства, должна быть проста и понятна: "А ларчик просто открывался!". Вот такими "ларчиками" с сокровищами...
AuthorBoris Pasternak
Boris Pasternak, the Nobel laureate and author of Doctor Zhivago, composed one of the world's great love poems in My Sister—Life. Written in the summer of 1917, the cycle of poems focuses on personal journeys and loves but is permeated by the tension and promise of the impending October Revolution.

AuthorJoseph Brodsky
Combining two books of verse that were first published in his native Russian, To Urania was Brodsky's third volume to appear in English. Published in 1988, the year after he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, this collection features pieces translated by the poet himself and others, as well...
AuthorAndrei Platonov
People are on the move in all ten stories in this collection--coming home as in "The Return, "leaving home as in "Rubbish Wind, " traveling far away from their country as in "The Locks of Epiphan"--trying to improve their lives and those of others, searching and fleeing. Their journeys are accompanied...
AuthorLeo Tolstoy
The stories collected in this volume demonstrate Tolstoy’s artistic prowess displayed over five decades— experimenting with prose styles and drawing on his own experiences with humor and compassion. “The Two Hussars,” inspired by his time in the army, contrasts a dashing father and his mean-spirited...
AuthorPyotr Yershov
Osobne som nikdy o tejto rozprávke predtým nepočula, ale čo sa nájde vrámci KK je poklad, takže som si uchmatla :)
Pozdával sa mi veršovaný štýl i príbeh samotný, nebol len úsmevný ale mal aj svoje posolstvo a koník sa dobre staral o svojho Ivana. A ten i keď možno nebol z najmúdrejších...
Dr Ouch
AuthorKorney Chukovsky
Doctor Concocter, adapted by Richard N. Coe, illustrated by William Papas.

A loose translation of the Russian children's poem Доктор Айболит - also available in English as Doctor Ouch - this picture-book follows the adventures of the eponymous Doctor Concocter, who is...
Денискины рассказы
AuthorVictor Dragunsky
Знаменитые «Денискины рассказы» Виктора Драгунского открывают читателю неповторимый мир Дениски Кораблёва и его друзей, где их детская непосредственность...
The Snow Storm
AuthorAlexander Pushkin
Do your students enjoy a good laugh? Do they like to be scared? Or do they just like a book with a happy ending? No matter what their taste, our Creative Short Stories series has the answer.We've taken some of the world's best stories from dark, musty anthologies and brought them into the light, giving them...
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