When the Moon Is in the Seventh House ...

Top 10 When the Moon Is in the Seventh House ... : War and Peace, Libra, Linda Goodman's Sun Signs, Zodiac, Linda Goodman's Love Signs: A New Approach to the Human Heart, The Kreutzer Sonata, Leo the Late Bloomer, Linda Goodman's Star Signs, Scorpia, The Fire of Ares

War and Peace
AuthorLeo Tolstoy
In Russia's struggle with Napoleon, Tolstoy saw a tragedy that involved all mankind. Greater than a historical chronicle, War and Peace is an affirmation of life itself, `a complete picture', as a contemporary reviewer put it, `of everything in which people find their happiness and greatness, their...
AuthorDon DeLillo
From the author of White Noise (winner of the National Book Award) and Zero K

In this powerful, eerily convincing fictional speculation on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Don DeLillo chronicles Lee Harvey Oswald's odyssey from troubled teenager to a man of precarious stability who...
Linda Goodman's Sun Signs
AuthorLinda Goodman
Find out what's really happening in your life and the lives of those around you. Is he really unstable beneath that placid exterior? Is she marrying you for your money alone? When should you give a wayward spouse the benefit of the doubt? How can you adjust your inner moods to your best advantage, knowing...
AuthorNeal Stephenson
Sangamon Taylor's a New Age Sam Spade who sports a wet suit instead of a trench coat and prefers Jolt from the can to Scotch on the rocks. He knows about chemical sludge the way he knows about evil -- all too intimately. And the toxic trail he follows leads to some high and foul places. Before long Taylor's...
Linda Goodman's Love Signs: A New Approach to the Human Heart
AuthorLinda Goodman
Master astrologer Linda Goodman provides fundamental and practical insight into the power of love in this world-famous and sensationally bestselling guide.

Can a Gemini man find happiness with a Virgo woman? Will it be smooth sailing or perpetual fireworks for the Scorpio female and the...
The Kreutzer Sonata
AuthorLeo Tolstoy
When Marshal of the Nobility Pozdnyshev suspects his wife of having an affair with her music partner, his jealousy consumes him and drives him to murder. Controversial upon publication in 1890, The Kreutzer Sonata illuminates Tolstoy’s then-feverish Christian ideals, his conflicts with lust...
Leo the Late Bloomer
AuthorRobert Kraus
“Captivating and rollicking.” —The Horn Book

Leo isn't reading, or writing, or drawing, or even speaking, and his father is concerned. But Leo's mother isn't. She knows her son will do all those things, and more, when he's ready.

This heartwarming story of how a little tiger...
Linda Goodman's Star Signs
AuthorLinda Goodman
The Master Astrologer's Classic Spiritual and Physical Self-Help Guide

She has helped millions improve their lives, loves, and businesses through her bestselling books, Sun Signs and Love Signs. Here, in her most personal book yet, Linda Goodman, America's premier astrologer, has written...
AuthorAnthony Horowitz
Alex Rider, teen spy, has always been told he is the spitting image of the father he never knew. But when Alex learns that his father may have been an assassin for the most lethal and powerful terrorist organization in the world, Scorpia, his world shatters. Now Scorpia wants Alex on their side, and Alex...
The Fire of Ares
AuthorMichael Ford
Lysander, a young Helot slave, knows little about the mysterious pendant he wears round his neck—the Fire of Ares. When after a chance meeting, he learns that he is of noble heritage, the pendant takes on new meaning as the link to his father's life and death. Suddenly Lysander is thrust into the life...
C: Because Cowards Get Cancer Too
AuthorJohn Diamond
Shortly before his 44th birthday, John Diamond received a call from the doctor who had removed a lump from his neck. Having been assured for the previous 2 years that this was a benign cyst, Diamond was told that it was, in fact, cancerous. Suddenly, this man who'd until this point been one of the world's...
AuthorLeo Tolstoy
Of all Russian writers Leo Tolstoy is probably the best known to the Western world, largely because of War and Peace, his epic in prose, and Anna Karenina, one of the most splendid novels in any language. But during his long lifetime Tolstoy also wrote enough shorter works to fill many volumes. Here reprinted...
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