Warrior Scarlet

10 best books like Warrior Scarlet (Rosemary Sutcliff): The Turbulent Term of Tyke Tiler, Mein Urgroßvater und ich, Minnow on the Say, A Hundred Million Francs, Jennings and Darbishire, The Cuckoo Clock, Uncle, The Swish of the Curtain, Way Home, Ash Road

AuthorGene Kemp
An interesting children's book from the 1970s, which succeeds largely on the strength of it's fine grasp of child psychology and language, and its naturalistically rambling, inconclusive plot. I liked it as a child because it felt less like a "story", and more like a slice of life of a real person - albeit...
AuthorJames Krüss
James Krüss erzählt in diesem Buch von seinem Urgroßvater, einem weisen alten Hummerfischer, der sein Boot an Land gezogen hat und nun Kinderkreisel und Kindergedichte drechselt. Mit seinem damals zehnjährigen Urenkel, Boy genannt, erzählt und reimt er sieben Tage lang Geschichten und Verse....
AuthorPhilippa Pearce
David can't believe his luck when a worn wooden canoe mysteriously appears on the banks of the River Say behind his house. With summer stretching endlessly before him, it seems too good to be true.Soon there is another boy--Adam, the Minnow's rightful owner. Adam wants his boat back...but something...
AuthorPaul Berna
4.5 stars. A gang of French children have a favourite game. One of them owns what must be an old rocking horse or carousel horse that has been welded onto a chassis with three wheels. The horse having lost it's head does not lessen the children's enjoyment at all, they spend their days riding their horse...
AuthorAnthony Buckeridge
Prehistoric clodpoll! ‘What did you want to go and make a frantic bish like that for’ Rule number nine million and forty-seven: Any boy beetling into class with twelve slippery raw fish shall hereby be liable to be detained during Mr Wilkins’ pleasure.? Jennings turns journalist when he receives...
AuthorEnnis Graham
I didn't read this edition but a 1930 one with Walter Crane Illustrations (of which I would've liked more).

It was neither as preachy as much Victorian children's literature nor as exciting as the best. There were some obvious didactic efforts and some interesting or pretty scenes, but overall...
AuthorJ.P. Martin
If you think Babar is the only storybook elephant with a cult following, then you haven’t met Uncle, the presiding pachyderm of a wild fictional universe that has been collecting accolades from children and adults for going on fifty years. Unimaginably rich, invariably swathed in a magnificent...
AuthorPamela Brown
My thanks to Steerforth Press/Pushkin Press and Netgalley for a review copy of this book.

The Swish of the Curtain is the first of the Blue Door series of books by Pamela Brown, first published in the 1940s. This is a series a goodreads friend of mine had been telling me about for years but I hadn’t...
AuthorLibby Hathorn
It's night and the dark is filled with strange sounds as Shane makes his way home. On a fence he finds a stray cat that at first growls and spits at him. But Shane talks and strokes the kitten to calmness, and decides to take the 'Spitfire, Kitten Number One,' home with him. No gang of boys, or avenue of dense...
AuthorIvan Southall
Graham, Wallace, and Harry will have one glorious week of pure freedom in the outback. No teachers, no school, no homework, no parents breathing down their necks! The boys are elated until they accidentally start a fire that quickly gets out of control in the dry underbrush. No one is prepared; no one...
Estoy leyendo estas novelas británicas al revés.

Si son seguidores de esta cuenta (o del contenido que genero) probablemente sepan que uno de los libros que más amo en la vida es El Señor de las Moscas. Supongo que es un libro súper "edgy" y de las pocas novelas clásicas (o clásicos contemporáneos,...
AuthorToon Tellegen
Лучшая книга на свете. Потому что и для детей, и для подростков, и для всех, кто прошел дальше, но...
но любит танцы и полеты во сне и наяву, письма на ветру,...
AuthorMarie-Catherine d'Aulnoy
CONTENTS Gracieuse and Percinet Fair Goldilocks The Blue Bird Prince Ariel Princess Mayblossom Princess Rosette The Golden Branch The Bee and the Orange Tree The Good Little Mouse The Ram Finette Cendron Fortun?e Babiole The Yellow Dwarf Green Serpent Princess Carpillon The Benevolent Frog The...
AuthorEmilio Salgari
Famagosta è rimasta l'ultimo baluardo cristiano sull'isola di Cipro, tutt'intorno alla città si estende il campo saraceno e ogni giorno viene fatto grande uso di polvere da sparo e palle di cannone da parte di entrambi gli eserciti.
Molti sono i valorosi soldati cristiani nella città, ma più...
AuthorMirjam Pressler
You should never hope for a miracle, for then you might count on it really happening.

In the two years Halinka has spent in a home for girls, she has learned not to hope for anything, and to hold tightly to what she has. But all Halinka has is herself, a blanket from her beloved Aunt Lou, and a secret...
AuthorLygia Bojunga Nunes
Este libro lo empecé a leer a los 9 años. Todas las emociones que sentía el personaje principal fueron demasiadas para mi... Lloraba, leía, y me cuestionaba de la vida. En ese momento yo estaba pasando por momentos difíciles y reflejaba la muerte de pintor en la muerte que acabábamos de sufrir en...
AuthorBianca Pitzorno
Una metropoli dove lo smog ha distrutto quasi completamente la vita vegetale; un botanico socio della Lega dei Nemici dei bambini, Cani, Gatti e Animali Affini; due fratellini che hanno sbagliato indirizzo; un'intraprendente portinaia; una piccola extraterrestre che rischia di morire per colpa...
AuthorOdo Hirsch
Every year Mr. Petrusca-the best fishmonger in town-finds the biggest lobsters for one of his very best customers, Mr. Trimble. But when a thief steals the two splendid lobsters, Mr. Petrusca is more upset than anyone can understand. Hazel Green knows there's something fishy going on, but what could...
Avec pour seul compagnon son cheval Jolly Jumper, "l'homme qui tire plus vite que son ombre" fait régner l'ordre et la justice dans un Far-West de fantaisie mille fois plus vrai que le vrai. Poursuivant les terribles frères Dalton ou croisant la route de divers personnages historiques, Lucky Luke...
AuthorHilda Lewis
When my mother and grandparents when on sabbatical in Nottingham, they lived next door to Hilda Lewis who gave my family several copies (the book came out in 1939). Years later when I was little my mother pulled this book out and it became one of my most beloved and cherished books. It is one of the most enchanting...
AuthorJosé María Sánchez-Silva
Que lindo relato , muy tierno Marcelino ❤️.
AuthorAna Maria Machado
Leído para #LIJFeministaLat


Este fue uno de los libros que este año leí para el evento especial de #LIJFeministaLat y uno de los libros principales por los cuales me empecé a interesar que estaban escribiendo los latinoamericanos...
AuthorPaul Jennings
Read thanks to Open Library. I didn't like this collection as much as others he's written, probably because they were less scary stories and more just plain strange. Not that I don't like strange. Paul Jennings is the master of strange, oddball stories. I don't know where he gets his ideas from, unless...
AuthorPaul Biegel
In order to keep the old king's heart beating until the doctor returns with a special potion, various animals take turns in telling stories that are so interesting that the king longs to hear more.

In de koperen burcht woont koning Mansolein, koning der dieren. Hij is bijna duizend jaar oud en...
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