The Ragazzi

10 best books like The Ragazzi (Pier Paolo Pasolini): Zeno's Conscience, The Late Mattia Pascal, The Day of the Owl, The Garden of the Finzi-Continis, The Time of Indifference, The Moon and the Bonfire, Fontamara, History, L'isola di Arturo, Reeds in the Wind

Zeno's Conscience
AuthorItalo Svevo
Long hailed as a seminal work of modernism in the tradition of Joyce and Kafka, and now available in a supple new English translation, Italo Svevo’s charming and splendidly idiosyncratic novel conducts readers deep into one hilariously hyperactive and endlessly self-deluding mind. The mind in...
The Late Mattia Pascal
AuthorLuigi Pirandello
Mattia Pascal endures a life of drudgery in a provincial town. Then, providentially, he discovers that he has been declared dead. Realizing he has a chance to start over, to do it right this time, he moves to a new city, adopts a new name, and a new course of life—only to find that this new existence is as...
The Day of the Owl
AuthorLeonardo Sciascia
A man is shot dead as he runs to catch the bus in the piazza of a small Sicilian town. Captain Bellodi, the detective on the case, is new to his job and determined to prove himself. Bellodi suspects the Mafia, and his suspicions grow when he finds himself up against an apparently unbreachable wall of silence....
The Garden of the Finzi-Continis
AuthorGiorgio Bassani
Giorgio Bassani's acclaimed novel of unrequited love and the plight of the Italian Jews on the brink of World War II has become a classic of modern Italian literature.
Made into an Academy Award winning film in 1970, "The Garden of the Finzi Continis "is a richly evocative and nostalgic depiction...
The Time of Indifference
AuthorAlberto Moravia
In 1929, the fifth year of the Fascist era and the twenty-first year of Alberto Moravia's life, the Italian literary world was stunned by the appearance of his first novel, The Time of Indifference. It is a deceptively simple story – five characters, the events of a few days, the intrigues of families...
AuthorCesare Pavese
Anguila, the narrator, is a successful businessman lured home from California to the Piedmontese village where he was fostered by peasants. After 20 years, so much has changed. Slowly, with the power of memory, he is able to piece together the past, and relate it to what he finds left in the present. He...
AuthorIgnazio Silone
Fontamara fu pubblicato a Zurigo nel 1933. Ambientato in un paesino abruzzese, Fontamara appunto, racconta l'eterno conflitto tra "cafoni" e "cittadini", reso ancora più drammatico dall'avvento del fascismo. I contadini e i braccianti, rassegnati ormai e quasi assuefatti a subire senza reagire...
AuthorElsa Morante
History was written nearly thirty years after Elsa Morante and Alberto Moravia spent a year in hiding among remote farming villages in the mountains south of Rome. There she witnessed the full impact of the war and first formed the ambition to write an account of what history - the great political events...
AuthorElsa Morante
Il romanzo è un'esplorazione attenta della prima realtà verso le sorgenti non inquinate della vita. L'isola nativa rappresenta una felice reclusione originaria e, insieme, la tentazione delle terre ignote. L'isola, dunque, è il punto di una scelta e a tale scelta finale, attraverso le varie...
AuthorGrazia Deledda
The rugged landscape of Baronia on Sardinia sets the scene for this novel of crime, guilt, and retribution. Deledda presents the story of the Pintor sisters - from a family of noble landowners now in decline - their nephew Giacinto, and their servant Efix, who is trying to make up for a mysterious sin committed...
The Path to the Spiders' Nests
AuthorItalo Calvino
Italo Calvino was only twenty-three when he first published this bold and imaginative novel. It tells the story of Pin, a cobbler's apprentice in a town on the Ligurian coast during World War II. He lives with his sister, a prostitute, and spends as much time as he can at a seedy bar where he amuses the adult...
Conversations in Sicily
AuthorElio Vittorini
It stands as a modern classic not only for its powerful thematic resonance as one of the great novels of Italian anti-fascism but also as a trailblazer for its style, which blends literary modernism with the pre-modern fable in a prose of lyric beauty. Comparing Vittorini's work to Picasso's, Italo...
AuthorElio Vittorini
"Questo forse era il punto. Che si potesse resistere come se si dovesse resistere sempre, e non dovesse esservi mai altro che resistere. Sempre che uomini potessero perdersi, e sempre vederne perdersi, sempre non poter salvare, non potere aiutare, non potere che lottare o volersi perdere. E perché...
AuthorItalo Svevo
Not so long ago Emilio Brentani was a promising young author. Now he is an insurance agent on the fast track to forty. He gains a new lease on life, though, when he falls for the young and gorgeous Angiolina-except that his angel just happens to be an unapologetic cheat. But what begins as a comedy of infatuated...
Km 123
AuthorAndrea Camilleri
Tutto inizia con un cellulare spento.
A telefonare è Ester, a non rispondere è Giulio, finito in ospedale a causa di un brutto tamponamento sulla via Aurelia.
A riaccendere il telefonino, invece, è Giuditta, la moglie di Giulio, che ovviamente di Ester non sa nulla.
Potrebbe essere...
AuthorGoffredo Parise
«Forse il modo migliore per leggere quello che insieme a Il ragazzo morto e le comete, a Il padrone e a L’odore del sangue è tra i vertici dell’opera di Parise, è fare come se di Parise non conoscessimo nulla, e questo libro uscisse per la prima volta oggi. Che immagine ci faremmo dell’autore dei...
Ora dimmi di te. Lettera a Matilda
AuthorAndrea Camilleri
Cosa rimarrà di noi nella memoria di chi ci ha voluto bene? Come verrà raccontata la nostra vita ai nipoti che verranno?
Andrea Camilleri sta scrivendo quando la pronipotina Matilda si intrufola a giocare sotto il tavolo, e lui pensa che non vuole che siano altri – quando lei sarà grande –...
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