The Content of the Form: Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation

9 best books like The Content of the Form: Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation (Hayden White): Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World, Black Skin, White Masks, Orientalism, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, Silencing the Past, Civilization and Its Discontents, Die Physiker, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, Minima Moralia: Reflections on a Damaged Life

Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World
AuthorDan Koeppel
A gripping biological detective story that uncovers the myth, mystery, and endangered fate of the world's most humble fruit

To most people, a banana is a banana: a simple yellow fruit. Americans eat more bananas than apples and oranges combined. In others parts of the world, bananas are what...
Black Skin, White Masks
AuthorFrantz Fanon
Black Skins White Masks is a scary book. In it Fanon discusses the black man’s experience in a white world; he ironically, and justly, creates an image of the world through a black lens, so to speak.

“The N**** enslaved by his inferiority, the white man enslaved by his superiority alike...
AuthorEdward W. Said
More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic.

In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said traces the origins of "orientalism"...
Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity
AuthorJudith Butler
Since its publication in 1990, Gender Trouble has become one of the key works of contemporary feminist theory, and an essential work for anyone interested in the study of gender, queer theory, or the politics of sexuality in culture. This is the text where Judith Butler began to advance the ideas that...
AuthorMichel-Rolph Trouillot
If Marx, Foucault, and Howard Zinn wrote a book together, it would probably look something like Michel-Rolph Trouillot's Silencing the Past. This isn't a slur, though; as you can tell from my five-star rating, I obviously appreciated the book, its author's cobbled personal reflections plus broader...
Civilization and Its Discontents
AuthorSigmund Freud
It stands as a brilliant summary of the views on culture from a psychoanalytic perspective that he had been developing since the turn of the century. It is both witness and tribute to the late theory of mind—the so-called structural theory, with its stress on aggression, indeed the death drive, as...
Die Physiker
AuthorFriedrich Dürrenmatt
Möbius, ein umworbener weil genialer Physiker, will eine gefährliche Verstrickung von Wissenschaft und Politik verhindern und täuscht darum vor, geisteskrank zu sein, damit er in einer Klinik verschwinden und die gewünschte Kooperation (oder Kollaboration) mit der Macht boykottieren...
Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism
AuthorBenedict Anderson
What makes people love and die for nations, as well as hate and kill in their name? While many studies have been written on nationalist political movements, the sense of nationality--the personal and cultural feeling of belonging to a nation--has not received proportionate attention. In this widely...
Minima Moralia: Reflections on a Damaged Life
AuthorTheodor W. Adorno
Perhaps the great book of the oncoming Trump era. Adorno's depth of observation, critical analysis, and disgust at late-capitalist culture reads as a cry from the least false oracles of Delphi. His intellect burns ultra-bright, spouts of water on a magnesium fire. Aphorism as razor to drain the infection,...
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