Storm Boy

10 best books like Storm Boy (Colin Thiele): Seven Little Australians, The Magic Pudding, The Complete Adventures of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie, Blinky Bill, Belinda, The Nargun and the Stars, Playing Beatie Bow, Minnow on the Say, Jennings and Darbishire, Ash Road

AuthorEthel Turner
19th century Australia: Captain Woolcot, having lost his wife tragically young, remarried a much younger young woman to provide his six children with a new mother. Together, they had another child, making seven. The Captain felt it was necessary to run the family with army discipline, but his rules...
AuthorNorman Lindsay
"Gentlemen," said the Judge, "I must remind you that we require a Review!"

"We don't needs no Review," replied Sam rudely, "We just needs to get away from them rascally Puddin'-thieves." And he pointed to the Wombat and the Possum, lurking in the comment thread, who looked up with a guilty start.

AuthorMay Gibbs

Not, you never said that Snugglepot and Cuddlepie was a sex-and-violence-infused philosophically-motivated Scandinavian-themed retelling of Genesis. WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME?

[Later the same day]

Well, I'm definitely building...
AuthorDorothy Wall
Blinky Bill, the mischievous anthropomorphic koala, is well known around the world through the TV cartoon and movies, but the book version is a little darker. He runs away from home several times and constantly disobeys his mother, who of course beats him when she catches him - this would have been a normal...
AuthorPamela Allen
Belinda is an excellent story about a simple couple who live in the country and grow their own vegetables and collect their own milk from their cow, Belinda. This would be a great story for teaching students that vegetables and milk do not simply come from the supermarket - they typically come from farms...
AuthorPatricia Wrightson
Few books had as profound an impact on me when I was growing up. This haunting tale of a lonely boy discovering an ancient stone Nargun, a creature straight from Aboriginal mythology, on his uncle's rural property had me spellbound. It still does. Wrightson, who died in 2010, was criticised for using...
Playing Beatie Bow
AuthorRuth Park
I can't believe how long it took me to get through this book. It's only 200 pages and I *loved* it as a kid. But rereading it as an adult in a world where YA is a thing? This is...odd.

Admittedly, this book is older than I am - it was published in 1980 - and it's essentially a YA book that was written in an...
AuthorPhilippa Pearce
David can't believe his luck when a worn wooden canoe mysteriously appears on the banks of the River Say behind his house. With summer stretching endlessly before him, it seems too good to be true.Soon there is another boy--Adam, the Minnow's rightful owner. Adam wants his boat back...but something...
AuthorAnthony Buckeridge
Prehistoric clodpoll! ‘What did you want to go and make a frantic bish like that for’ Rule number nine million and forty-seven: Any boy beetling into class with twelve slippery raw fish shall hereby be liable to be detained during Mr Wilkins’ pleasure.? Jennings turns journalist when he receives...
AuthorIvan Southall
Graham, Wallace, and Harry will have one glorious week of pure freedom in the outback. No teachers, no school, no homework, no parents breathing down their necks! The boys are elated until they accidentally start a fire that quickly gets out of control in the dry underbrush. No one is prepared; no one...
AuthorToon Tellegen
Лучшая книга на свете. Потому что и для детей, и для подростков, и для всех, кто прошел дальше, но...
но любит танцы и полеты во сне и наяву, письма на ветру,...
AuthorEmilio Salgari
Famagosta è rimasta l'ultimo baluardo cristiano sull'isola di Cipro, tutt'intorno alla città si estende il campo saraceno e ogni giorno viene fatto grande uso di polvere da sparo e palle di cannone da parte di entrambi gli eserciti.
Molti sono i valorosi soldati cristiani nella città, ma più...
AuthorMirjam Pressler
You should never hope for a miracle, for then you might count on it really happening.

In the two years Halinka has spent in a home for girls, she has learned not to hope for anything, and to hold tightly to what she has. But all Halinka has is herself, a blanket from her beloved Aunt Lou, and a secret...
AuthorLygia Bojunga Nunes
Este libro lo empecé a leer a los 9 años. Todas las emociones que sentía el personaje principal fueron demasiadas para mi... Lloraba, leía, y me cuestionaba de la vida. En ese momento yo estaba pasando por momentos difíciles y reflejaba la muerte de pintor en la muerte que acabábamos de sufrir en...
AuthorBianca Pitzorno
Una metropoli dove lo smog ha distrutto quasi completamente la vita vegetale; un botanico socio della Lega dei Nemici dei bambini, Cani, Gatti e Animali Affini; due fratellini che hanno sbagliato indirizzo; un'intraprendente portinaia; una piccola extraterrestre che rischia di morire per colpa...
AuthorOdo Hirsch
Every year Mr. Petrusca-the best fishmonger in town-finds the biggest lobsters for one of his very best customers, Mr. Trimble. But when a thief steals the two splendid lobsters, Mr. Petrusca is more upset than anyone can understand. Hazel Green knows there's something fishy going on, but what could...
AuthorGlenda Millard
Griffin Silk is an uncommon sort of boy, from an uncommon sort of family. The warm, loving home he shares with his father, grandmother and five big sisters (The Rainbow Girls) is marked by the aching absence of his mother and baby sister. Where have they gone and will they be coming home again? When Griffin...
AuthorMem Fox
When a mysterious egg appears outside Hunwick's burrow after a terrible storm, no one knows what to do with it. And when it doesn't hatch right away, everyone is even more bewildered. Everyone, that is, but Hunwick. For Hunwick understands the egg. It is his friend. And he is the only one who knows its secret....
AuthorPaul Jennings
Read thanks to Open Library. I didn't like this collection as much as others he's written, probably because they were less scary stories and more just plain strange. Not that I don't like strange. Paul Jennings is the master of strange, oddball stories. I don't know where he gets his ideas from, unless...
AuthorTed Hughes

This volume of Ted Hughes’s ‘creation’ stories was first published in 1963, and has now been published in paperback with a bright modern cover.
There are eleven stories averaging eight pages each and each story tells of how and why a particular animal behaves as it does.
AuthorAnna Fienberg
In the first book of the much-adored Tashi series, children are introduced to Jack’s extraordinary imaginary friend Tashi, a gnome-like character from a place far away. Brave Tashi tells adventurous tales of being sold to a warlord and escaping on a swan. This little hero has to be clever to outsmart...
AuthorElizabeth Honey
In the tradition of the great detective novels, Henni keeps a journal of the events on Stella Street, recounted with a battalion of zany, 11-year-old truths and insights. When the Phonies move into 45 Stella Street, the neighborhood is in for a shake-up, explains Henni. Former occupant Auntie Lillie's...
AuthorRobin Klein
The original and the best! And how fabulous was old Mrs. Bettany? I recall watching Penny Pollard on the ABC as much as reading her, too - can't recall if they were episodes on Kaboodle, or a series all of its own.

(Aha! Google to the rescue, as usual!)

Re-read May 2012 and I swear, I read...
Wild Cat Falling
Wild Cat Falling is the story of an Aboriginal youth, a 'bodgie' of the early sixties who grows up on the ragged outskirts of a country town, falls into petty crime, goes to gaol, and comes out to do battle once more with the society who put him there. Its publication in 1965 marked a unique literary event,...
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