Soft City

10 best books like Soft City (Pushwagner): Moi aussi je voulais l'emporter, Grass, Coyote Doggirl, Congress of the Animals, Goliath, Alpha. Abidjan-Gare du Nord: Abidjan-Gare du Nord (Hors collection), The Green Hand and Other Stories, Le jour le plus long du futur, Agony, Faire Semblant C'est Mentir

Moi aussi je voulais l'emporter
AuthorJulie Delporte
À quel âge ai-je commencé à me sentir flouée d’être une fille? » C’est autour de cette interrogation initiale que s’articule Moi aussi je voulais l’emporter, réflexion personnelle sur le genre qui devient au fil des pages un véritable récit d’apprentissage féministe.

AuthorKeum Suk Gendry-Kim
This true story of a Korean comfort woman documents how the atrocity of war devastates women’s lives

Grass is a powerful antiwar graphic novel, telling the life story of a Korean girl named Okseon Lee who was forced into sexual slavery for the Japanese Imperial Army during the Second World...
Coyote Doggirl
AuthorLisa Hanawalt
Coyote Doggirl is Hanawalt’s homage to and lampoon of Westerns like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, featuring a fiercely independent female protagonist who sews her own crop tops and has no patience for etiquette. A gifted equestrian, Coyote Doggirl is half dog, half coyote, and a whole lot of...
AuthorJim Woodring
Readers of the "Frank" stories know that The Unifactor is in control of everything that happens to the characters that abide there, and that however extreme the experiences they undergo may be, in the end nothing really changes. That goes for treble for Frank himself, who is kept in a state of total ineducability...
AuthorTom Gauld
A master of stripped-down, powerful storytelling reworks the David-and-Goliath myth.

Goliath of Gath isn’t much of a fighter. Given half a choice, he would pick admin work over patrolling in a heartbeat, to say nothing of his distaste for engaging in combat. Nonetheless, at the behest...
Alpha vit seul à Abidjan depuis que sa femme et son fils sont partis sans visa pour Paris, Gare du Nord. La rage au coeur, il décide de tout quitter pour les retrouver. C’est toujours mieux que de pourrir sur place. Plusieurs trajets sont possibles, des années de voyage en perspective... Sur les interminables...
The Green Hand and Other Stories
AuthorNicole Claveloux
Nicole Claveloux s short stories originally published in the late 1970s and never before collected in English are among the most beautiful comics ever created: whimsical, intoxicating, with the freshness and splendor of dreams. In hallucinatory color or elegant black-and-white, she brings us...
Le jour le plus long du futur
AuthorLucas Varela
Dans une ville futuriste, un robot et un employé de bureau sans histoire vont voir leur existence chamboulée par l'arrivée d'un étranger portant une mystérieuse valise. Cette dernière donne accès à une étonnante pièce permettant la matérialisation des désirs inconscients. Des désirs...
AuthorMark Beyer
Colson Whitehead's introduction is superb as a way of helping us understand what Beyer may have been trying to do with this comic, collected from the eighties. He notes identifying markers such as its inclusion in Raw, The fabulous Furry Brothers stoner comic, Charles Burns's Nutso Boy, even Beckett....
Faire Semblant C'est Mentir
AuthorDominique Goblet
Maintes fois annoncé, Faire semblant c'est mentir est le résultat d'un travail autobiographique réalisé par Dominique Goblet sur douze ans. Le temps joue un rôle complet dans ce livre où recherches stylistiques et narratives se mêlent au déroulement du récit. Faire semblant c’est mentir...
AuthorFabien Vehlmann
Aventure, étrangeté fantastique, sensualité, Satanie propose un récit haut en couleur, palpitant et émouvant.

Charlotte – alias Charlie – une jolie rousse, organise une expédition afin de retrouver son frère.

Ce jeune scientifique, qui a disparu sous terre depuis...
Tout Seul
AuthorChristophe Chabouté
An entire life spent alone on a rock. What's he do all day?

This graphic novel is stunning.

First published in France in 2008, Alone was just translated into English this year, and I'm grateful I had the chance to read this beautiful book. It's about a disfigured man who lives alone in...
AuthorTom Gauld
"Living on the moon . . . Whatever were we thinking? . . . It seems so silly now."

The lunar colony is slowly winding down, like a small town circumvented by a new super highway. As our hero, the Mooncop, makes his daily rounds, his beat grows ever smaller, the population dwindles. A young girl runs...
AuthorNina Bunjevac
Benny lavora come guardiano in uno zoo. Un giorno, tra i visitatori nota una donna che gli ricorda qualcuno. La osserva dalla finestra del rettilario: è candida come neve e ha con sé un taccuino da disegno che tiene stretto fino a quando, un attimo prima di andare via, lo dimentica davanti alla vasca...
The World of Edena
Working closely with Moebius Productions in France, Dark Horse is putting the work of a master storyteller back in print--with some material in English for the first time!
Stel and Atan are interstellar investigators trying to find a lost space station and its crew. When they discover the mythical...
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