Professor Unrat

10 best books like Professor Unrat (Heinrich Mann): Simplicissimus, The Quest for Christa T., Die Strudlhofstiege oder Melzer und die Tiefe der Jahre, Henry von Ofterdingen, Der zerbrochne Krug, Mephisto, Fabian: Die Geschichte eines Moralisten, The Safety Net, The Stechlin, Lenz

AuthorHans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen
This gaudy, wild, and raw tale of a war-torn 17th Century Europe depicts Simplicissimus as the eternal innocent, the simple-minded survivor. We follow him from an orphaned childhood to the casual atrocities of occupying troops, through his own soldiering adventures, and up to his final vocation...
The Quest for Christa T.
AuthorChrista Wolf
When The Quest for Christa T. was first published in East Germany ten years ago, there was an immediate storm: bookshops in East Berlin were given instructions to sell it only to well-known customers professionally involved in literary matters; at the annual meeting of East German Writers Conference,...
AuthorHeimito von Doderer
Wien in den Jahren 1910/11 und 1923-25. Im Mittelpunkt des Geschehens steht der Amtsrat und Major a.D. Melzer, dessen Leben irgendwie immer an ihm vorbeiläuft, bis er endlich doch zu sich selbst findet. Ein Großstadtroman mit der Aura des Lebens, »so, wie es ist«.

»Man müsste Heimito...
Strange and ingenious, this extraordinary fusion of novel, fairy tale, and poem, published posthumously in 1802, is the most representative work of early German Romanticism. It reflects, in part, events in the life of its author, who is best known for his "Hymns to the Night". Young Henry, a medieval...
AuthorHeinrich von Kleist
Die Uraufführung von Heinrich von Kleists Lustspiel Der zerbrochne Krug, die unter der Leitung von Johann Wolfgang Goethe 1808 am Hoftheater in Weimar stattfand, wurde zu einem Misserfolg; erst von 1820 an eroberte das Stück die Bühnen. Der zerbrochne Krug ist das Lustspiel vom Dorfrichter Adam,...
AuthorKlaus Mann
Klaus Mann - Thomas Mann’s son - wrote MEPHISTO while living in exile from the Germany of World War II. In it he captures the Isherwood-like atmosphere of Nazi Germany while telling a satiric story about the rise to power of one man - a thinly veiled caricature of his own brother-in-law. The man is Hendrik...
Fabian: Die Geschichte eines Moralisten
AuthorErich Kästner
Erich Kästner kennen viele nur als Autor von Kinder- und Jugendbüchern. Dass er auch zeitkritische Romane geschrieben hat, wissen die wenigsten. Der Roman Fabian entstand 1931 und beschreibt den moralischen und geistigen Verfall inmitten schwieriger politischer Verhältnisse. Für Kästner...
AuthorHeinrich Böll
Although Fritz Tolm and his wife Käthe play a representative role in established society, their sympathies are often on the side of their children and their friends. The Tolm family, for example, abandons the most difficult problem to the enormously bloated police apparatus, depending on whether...
AuthorTheodor Fontane
Theodor Fontane (1819-98), widely regarded as Germany's most significant novelist between Goethe and Thomas Mann, pioneered the German novel of manners and upper-class society, following a trend in European fiction of the period. The Stechlin is Fontane's last book and his political testament....
AuthorGeorg Büchner
Lenz, Georg Büchner’s visionary exploration of an 18th century playwright’s descent into madness, grew in part out of Alsatian pastor Johann Oberlin’s journal, which is translated here in its entirety for the first time. Lenz is a dispassionate account on the nervous system of a schizophrenic,...
AuthorKarl Philipp Moritz
Well received in its own day and all but forgotten in the last century, Anton Reiser (1785) has regained in our times the popular attention it richly merits. Subtitled a "psychological novel" by its author, who also called it a biography, the work is actually a highly authentic autobiography. The work...
AuthorGottfried Keller
"Green Henry" is a vivid and absorbing representation of Gottfried Keller's ideals and philosophy, written in poetic language and a realistic style that documents the emergence of an artist and the development of a man. Partly autobiographical, the narrative recounts the experiences of the title...
AuthorWolfgang Koeppen
Brilliant. Four-and-a-half stars. How I subcutaneously shivered with each recognition of a Keetenheuve who was me and/or that from within me which constituted a part of Keetenheuve: solipsistic self-absorption resonating in the Key of I Minor, the ego as it's shown inside the other. No matter the...
AuthorArnold Zweig
During the late 20's many of those who experienced World War I wrote semi-autobiographical novels. One of them was Arnold Zweig (1887-1968), a German writer, anti-war and anti-fascist activist. He is known for his six-part cycle on World War I called The Great War of the White Men and the first part of...
AuthorHeinrich Heine
Heine war davon überzeugt, daß er mit seinem "Werkchen" Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen etwas verfaßt hatte, das "mehr Furore machen wird, als die populärste Broschüre, und das dennoch den bleibenden Wert einer klassischen Dichtung haben wird". Recht hatte er. Mit seinem Versepos sollte...
AuthorSiegfried Lenz
Siggi Jepsen, incarcerated as a juvenile delinquent, is one day assigned to write a routine German lesson on the "The Joys of Duty." Overfamiliar with these “joys,” Siggi sets down his life since 1943, a decade earlier, when as a boy he watched his father, constable of the northernmost police station...
AuthorUwe Johnson
Die Johnson-Forschung befindet sich seit jeher in einem Dilemma: Kaum ein Schriftsteller muss so hart darum kämpfen, dass seine fiktionale Prosa nicht gleichsam durch die ihr immanente Faktizität erdrückt wird. Eifrige Indiziensucher spüren Orte und Namen in Mecklenburg auf, wandeln auf...
AuthorKurt Tucholsky
Um den Berliner Sorgen zu entfliehen, verbringen der Ich-Erzähler und seine Geliebte, »Prinzessin« Lydia, einen mehrwöchigen Urlaub auf dem wunderschönen schwedischen Schloss Gripsholm. Besuch aus der Hauptstadt von Lydias Freundin Billie bricht die romantische Zweisamkeit auf und...
Das siebte Kreuz
AuthorAnna Seghers
Dieser Roman, der zuerst 1942 in englischer Sprache, kurz darauf im mexikanischen Exilverlag El Libro Libre in deutscher Sprache erschien, machte die Autorin weltberühmt. Er wurde zu einem Bestseller. Der Stoff wurde 1942 in einer Comic-Fassung und in der Verfilmung des österreichischen Emigranten...
Draußen vor der Tür
AuthorWolfgang Borchert
I'd never heard of Wolfgang Borchert until about a week before Christmas when a European Couple in their twenties came into the store and were asking for books by Ingeborg Bachmann, Max Frisch and a couple of other authors that I like and who are sort of obscure. They then asked for The Man Outside, a book...
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