PLUTO: Urasawa x Tezuka, Volume 003

10 best books like PLUTO: Urasawa x Tezuka, Volume 003 (Naoki Urasawa): Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction #2, Inuyashiki, Vol. 2, Vinland Saga, Volume 4: A King Is Born, Inuyashiki, Vol. 3, Vinland Saga, Volume 2: England at War, Inuyashiki, Vol. 4, Goodnight Punpun Omnibus, Vol. 3, Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction #1, Inuyashiki 8, Inuyashiki, Vol. 5

Dead Dead Demons Dededede Destruction #2
AuthorInio Asano
I really liked the first volume of DDDDD, and I loved the second one even more. Slice of life in the face of alien invasion and possible end of the world continues to be a hell of a compelling premise, and Inio Asano comes up with some great stories to tell in this world. Lots of emotions, many people are getting...
Inuyashiki, Vol. 2
AuthorHiroya Oku
奥浩哉が『GANTZ』の先に見る全く新しい世界。58歳サラリーマン2児の父。希望もなければ人望もない冴えない男。しかし、ある日を境に男のすべては一変する。空からの謎の飛来物が彼を人ならざるモノに変えてしまった! 一度命を失い、全く新しいモノとして生まれ変わった犬屋敷は、己の生きる意味を見出す為、一人でも多くの人を救う事を決意する。.
Vinland Saga, Volume 4: A King Is Born
AuthorMakoto Yukimura
Pushed to the brink of despair after his father attempted to have him killed, Prince Canute has experienced an awakening, transforming him from a timid, gentle boy into a clear-eyed man with the heart of a king. But a king needs a crown, and Canute now knows that nothing will be given to him. If he wants to...
Inuyashiki, Vol. 3
AuthorHiroya Oku
人ならざる力を持った二つの存在。犬屋敷壱郎(いぬやしき・いちろう)と獅子神皓(ししがみ・ひろ)。ついに出会ってしまった二つのモノは、果たして世界に何をもたらすのか――? そして、罪無き者を救うという使命に目覚めた犬屋敷は、理不尽な暴力に脅える者を救うため、新たなる力を解放する!!.
Vinland Saga, Volume 2: England at War
AuthorMakoto Yukimura
The foolish King Ethelred has fled, and Askeladd's band is one of hundreds plundering the English countryside. Yet victory brings no peace to the elderly Danish King Sweyn, who worries that his untested, sensitive son Canute will never be ready to take the throne. The king's attempt to force his son...
Inuyashiki, Vol. 4
AuthorHiroya Oku
Inuyashiki goes from being mediocre back to boring again with this fourth volume. It’s the same with most superhero stories: every time the focus shifts to the good guy, things get really dull - it’s only entertaining once the hero and the villain are battling, or the focus is on the villain doing...
Goodnight Punpun Omnibus, Vol. 3
AuthorInio Asano
Wow. What a rollercoaster of emotion. I finished this yesterday and Punpun always leaves me a big ball of sad. I feel a combination of "this series is too fucking brilliant" and "it's not that deep, man, pipe the fuck down."

I've never felt so conflicted over literally every character in a book....
Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction #1
AuthorInio Asano
I really like the work of Inio Asano, including Solanin; Goodnight, Punpun; A Girl on the Shore, and especially Nijigahara Holograph, but I was intrigued to find a couple negative reviews about this newer series from friends I respect. But as I take a closer look, I see reviews of his work all across the...
Inuyashiki 8
AuthorHiroya Oku
Volume iini masih melanjutkan battle antara Hiro dan Ichirou. Sementara Ichirou masih harus memikirkan strategi untuk melepaskan diri dari Hiro karena nyawa Mari yang terancam. Basa gambarnya seru, sayang, saya baca di hape ukuran 5 inchi, jadi ya, males saja memerhatika detil gambar duel mereka...
Inuyashiki, Vol. 5
AuthorHiroya Oku
Inuyashiki Volume 5 doesn’t feature the title character! Instead it’s all about what psychotic teen serial killer Shishigami did next. Which is plain confusing to me.

Initially Shishigami seemed like a one-dimensional bad guy: he gets the same robot powers as Inuyashiki but uses them...
Vinland Saga, Volume 3: A Bloody Coming of Age
AuthorMakoto Yukimura
In a gambit to become the power behind the Danish and English thrones, Askeladd has taken the prince, Canute, and plunged deep into a winter storm behind enemy lines. Canute's father, King Sweyn, gives him up for dead in his haste to suppress English resistance. But Askeladd's small band can't outrun...
Inuyashiki 9
AuthorHiroya Oku
Otra entrega más de "el manga que debería haber durado 8 tomos pero duró 10". En este volumen pasan exactamente cuatro cosas: Inuyashiki salva más gente, le dice a la familia que el es el que ha estado salvando a los heridos y reconecta con ellos, Shishigami y ando se reencuentran, y finalmente se da...
Inuyashiki 7
AuthorHiroya Oku
Akhirnya perang jugaaaaaakk...

Setelah penyerangan bertubi-tubi yang dilakukan oleh Hiro terhadap masyarakat Jepang, tibalah saatnya Ichirou beraksi!!!!


Sehari sebelumnya, Hiro sudah melakukan konferensi pers sekehendak hatinya dengan menyatakan...
ワンパンマン 16 [Wanpanman 16]
ヒーロー達に囲まれ窮地のガロウ。しかしその力量は本物か、多対一にも拘わらず一人ずつヒーローを倒していく。そこにジェノスが駆けつけ!? その頃、サイタマはキングとのある勝負でイライラの極致に…。.
Inuyashiki 10
AuthorHiroya Oku
Gran manga del que me despido tristemente, ya que lo he disfrutado muchísimo y se lee excesivamente rápido por el poco diálogo que tiene (no exagero cuando digo que un tomo te lo lees en 20 minutos o menos).
Recomendaría este manga a todo aquel que quisiera leer una buena historia y no tenga demasiado...
Battle Angel Alita Deluxe Edition 2
AuthorYukito Kishiro

Mel .
Dorohedoro, Vol. 1
AuthorQ. Hayashida
A blood-spattered battle between diabolical sorcerers and the monsters they created.

Caiman was not lucky. A sorcerer cursed him with a reptile head and left him with no memory of his life before the transformation. Adding to the mystery, there's a specter of a man living inside him. But Caiman...
いぬやしき 6 [Inuyashiki 6]
AuthorHiroya Oku
This series started really strong. However, it started to get campy with volume 4 and the whole cell-phone-connected-to-brain thing. That seemed really rushed and unnecessary. The plot continues to develop in a progressively nonsensical way. It was somewhat believable when Hiro was talked into...
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