Le Grand Vizir Iznogoud

10 best books like Le Grand Vizir Iznogoud (René Goscinny): The Handmaid's Tale: The Graphic Novel, Tank Girl: The Odyssey, Tank Girl: Apocalypse, The Killer, Volume One, Athos in America, L'Incal Lumière, Le Démon de la Tour Eiffel, Aya de Yopougon, Tome 4, Batman: La Leyenda - Año Cero, Parte 1, Vertigo Essentials: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen #1

The Handmaid's Tale: The Graphic Novel
AuthorMargaret Atwood
Everything Handmaids wear is red: the colour of blood, which defines us.

Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead, where women are prohibited from holding jobs, reading, and forming friendships. She serves in the household of the Commander and his wife, and under the new social order...
AuthorPeter Milligan
I enjoyed Tank Girl: The Odyssey immensely. That's all I can really say for certain of this very weird, very fragmented, comic reading... experience. It is an experience. A ride. A journey. An odyssey!

If I had to pin down a core, recurring element of this wildly fluctuating spectacle of a book,...
AuthorAlan Grant
After watching the movie, I had to read the graphic novels, but unfortunate for me, even at age 16, I didn't know how bloody expensive graphic novels were! So I bought the only "Tank Girl" on the shelf at my local comic book store. $20. Are you serious? ..yes

Anyway, upon buying the book, I felt stupid...
A man solitary and cold, methodical and unencumbered by scruples or regrets, the killer waits in the shadows, watching for his next target. And yet the longer he waits, the more he thinks he's losing his mind, if not his cool. A brutal, bloody and stylish noir story of a professional assassin lost in a world...
Another all-original collection of full-color graphic novellas in the format of Low Moon, Athos in America takes its title from the lead story, a prequel of sorts to the graphic novel The Last Musketeer, in which the seemingly ageless swashbuckler turns up in a bar in 1920 New York and relates the tale...
AuthorAlejandro Jodorowsky
Dans un univers futuriste aux dimensions inimaginables, un médiocre détective privé, John Difool, se retrouve un beau jour à la tête d'une enquête qui ne tardera pas à le dépasser totalement, et à l'entraîner dans un monde étrange mêlant science-fiction et expériences divines, dans...
AuthorJacques Tardi
Rappelez-vous, tout avait commencé par l'envol de l'oiseau préhistorique qui, revenu à la vie dans des circontances mystérieuses, s'était échappé de son oeuf fossilisé, frôlant de ses ailes ses contemporains pétrifiés du muséum d'histoire naturelle.Adèle Blanc-Sec avait été...
Aya de Yopougon, Tome 4
AuthorMarguerite Abouet
Les histoires de Yopougon s'exportent quand Inno, "coiffeur pour dame stylées", débarque à Paris et lance une mode de la coupe Grace Jones dans un foyer malien. Pendant ce temps en Côte d'Ivoire, Aya est harcelée par un prof de fac, le père de Félicité surgit de nulle part pour récupérer sa...
Batman: La Leyenda - Año Cero, Parte 1
AuthorScott Snyder
Cinco años después de su desaparición, Bruce Wayne ha vuelto a Gotham City decidido a librar una guerra secreta contra el crimen. La ciudad está a merced de la implacable Banda de Capuchas Rojas, cuyos miembros en muchos casos han sido chantajeados por el misterioso Número Uno de la organización...
Vertigo Essentials: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen #1
AuthorAlan Moore
it´s a very beautiful book .
Watchmen #1: At Midnight, All The Agents....
AuthorAlan Moore
Someone recommended reading THE WATCHMEN to me because I was told it was one of the best out there. After reading the first issue, I now know why.

The illustrations were a bit outdated, but I didn't really mind. I'm more curious as to what happened to the Comedian and why this person thinks someone...
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