Jack the Ripper: The Whitechapel Murderer

6 best books like Jack the Ripper: The Whitechapel Murderer (Terry Lynch): Inside Out, The Last Four Things, Murder Most Austen, The Art of Always Being Right, School of Wizardry, The Psychology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained

Inside Out
AuthorDemi Moore
Famed American actress Demi Moore at last tells her own story in a surprisingly intimate and emotionally charged memoir.

For decades, Demi Moore has been synonymous with celebrity. From iconic film roles to high-profile relationships, Moore has never been far from the spotlight—or the...
The Last Four Things
AuthorPaul Hoffman
The epic story of Thomas Cale-introduced so memorably in "The Left Hand of God"--continues as the Redeemers use his prodigious gifts to further their sacred goal: the extinction of humankind and the end of the world.
To the warrior-monks known as the Redeemers, who rule over massive armies of child...
AuthorTracy Kiely
A dedicated Anglophile and Janeite, Elizabeth Parker is hoping the trip to the annual Jane Austen Festival in Bath will distract her from her lack of a job and her uncertain future with her boyfriend, Peter.

On the plane ride to England, she and Aunt Winnie meet Professor Richard Baines, a self-proclaimed...
The Art of Always Being Right
AuthorArthur Schopenhauer
Which are the logical tricks that will let you slip through the net when faced with awkward questions? How can you yourself use arguments to deflect difficult situations? Do you recognize all flaws in someone else's argument? This the book the BBC, Andrew Gilligan, Lord Hutton, Tony Blair and Alistair...
School of Wizardry
AuthorDebra Doyle
A short, straight-forward children's book. The first of six.

Randal is training to be a knight in his uncle's household when the wizard Madoc arrives. He performs magic, repulses Randal's notion of being a wizard, and leaves again. So Randal runs off to follow him.

Madoc brings him...
The Psychology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained
AuthorCatherine Collin
Clearly explaining more than 100 groundbreaking ideas in the field, The Psychology Book uses accessible text and easy-to-follow graphics and illustrations to explain the complex theoretical and experimental foundations of psychology.

From its philosophical roots through behaviorism,...
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