Gideon: Your weakness. God's strength: Member Book

6 best books like Gideon: Your weakness. God's strength: Member Book (Priscilla Shirer): It's Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered, Six Hours One Friday: Living in the Power of the Cross, Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent, Girls with Swords: Why Women Need to Fight Spiritual Battles, Seamless: Understanding the Bible as One Complete Story, Psalm 23 - Bible Study Book: The Shepherd with Me

It's Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered
AuthorLysa TerKeurst
New York Times  bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst unveils her heart amid shattering circumstances and shows readers how to live assured when life doesn't turn out like they expected.

What do you do when God’s timing seems questionable, His lack of intervention hurtful, and His promises...
Six Hours One Friday: Living in the Power of the Cross
AuthorMax Lucado
Does life feel futile? "Doesn't have to."

Do some of your failures seem fatal? "They aren't."

And your death. Does the grave appear to be the final stop? According to Christ, your death is just the start of the something great.

There is a truth greater than all the losses and...
Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent
AuthorBeth Moore
Takes a look at the pilgrimage theme found in Psalms 120 134 and explores the major feasts of Israel. For the ancient Israelites, pilgrimage was a three-times-per-year journey to the temple in Jerusalem; for New Testament believers all of life becomes a journey together toward the new Jerusalem. Contains...
Girls with Swords: Why Women Need to Fight Spiritual Battles
AuthorLisa Bevere
What if you discovered you have been entrusted with an invisible, invincible, and incorruptible weapon? Would you use it?  Move beyond only study and begin to wield the Word of God!
“If you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one!”
If there ever was...
Seamless: Understanding the Bible as One Complete Story
AuthorAngie Smith
In seven sessions, Seamless covers the people, places and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. Participants will gain an overarching understanding of the fundamental layout and meaning of God's Word. Seamless helps replace insecurity that holds participants...
Psalm 23 - Bible Study Book: The Shepherd with Me
AuthorJennifer Rothschild
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Many women know Psalm 23 by heart but haven't experienced its power in their lives. This beloved psalm can breathe new life into women who are weary and unsure of their next steps. It's more than a psalm that comforts in death; it gives confidence in life.

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