Fureur et mystère

10 best books like Fureur et mystère (René Char): Les Fleurs du Mal, Discourse on Method, Le Cid, Sentimental Education, Athalie, Endgame, Capital of Pain, Paroles, The Way of the White Clouds, Chéri

Les Fleurs du Mal
AuthorCharles Baudelaire
After reading Baudelaire, I suddenly find myself wanting to smoke cigarettes and say very cynical things while donning a trendy haircut. Plus, if I didn't read Baudelaire, how could I possibly carry on conversations with pretentious art students?

In all seriousness, though, I wish my French...
Discourse on Method
AuthorRené Descartes
By far the most widely used translation in North American college classrooms, Donald A. Cress's translation from the French of the Adam and Tannery critical edition is prized for its accuracy, elegance, and economy. The translation featured in the Third Edition has been thoroughly revised from the...
Le Cid
AuthorPierre Corneille
Dans une Espagne médiévale, héroïque, éclatante, deux jeunes gens se déchirent et s'adorent. Pour laver un affront, Rodrigue tue le père de Chimène. L'honneur et le devoir exigent la vengeance et la haine, mais elle aime éperdument cet assassin. Une comédie, une tragédie ? Cette pièce,...
Sentimental Education
AuthorGustave Flaubert
Based on Flaubert’s own youthful passion for an older woman, Sentimental Education was described by its author as “the moral history of the men of my generation.” It follows the amorous adventures of Frederic Moreau, a law student who, returning home to Normandy from Paris, notices Mme Arnoux,...
AuthorJean Racine
There is an alternate cover edition here.

Miraculeusement sauvé du massacre où les siens ont péri, le jeune Joas est secrètement recueilli puis élevé par le grand prêtre Joad et par sa femme. Pour qu’il accède au trône de Juda qui lui était promis, il lui faut échapper à l’infidèle...
AuthorSamuel Beckett
Samuel Beckett was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1969; his literary output of plays, novels, stories, and poetry has earned him an uncontested place as one of the greatest writers of our time. Endgame, originally written in French and translated into English by Beckett himself, is now considered...
AuthorPaul Éluard
Capital of Pain, is considered one of the key texts of surrealism. This is the first new translation into English of this work in over 30 years and the only edition available in the English language. This edition presents the text in its entirety in a bilingual format, and includes an extensive essay on...
AuthorJacques Prévert
Rappelle-toi Barbara
Il pleuvait sans cesse sur Brest ce jour là
Et tu marchais souriante
Épanouie ravie ruisselante
Sous la pluie
Rappelle-toi Barbara...
Oh Barbara
Quelle connerie la guerre
Qu'es-tu devenue maintenant
Sous cette pluie de fer
The Way of the White Clouds
AuthorLama Anagarika Govinda
"A devoted Buddhist and a spokesman for Tibetan culture, Lama Anagarika Govinda was one of the last foreigners to journey through Tibet before the Chinese invasion of 1950. Govinda's luminous and candid account is a spectacular and gloriously poetic story of exploration and discovery, and a sensitive...
Reading Colette's short novel Chéri, felt like munching on a box of fancy Belgian truffles, and in this case washed down with a bottle of fine vintage French wine, everything is all very French and all very luxurious. On it's first publication in 1920 both Marcel Proust and André Gide deemed it as a masterpiece,...
AuthorChrétien de Troyes
This verse translation of Yvain; or, The Knight with the Lion brings to life a fast-paced yet remarkably subtle work often considered to be the masterpiece of the twelfth-century French writer Chrétien de Troyes. The creator of the Arthurian romance as a genre, Chrétien is revealed in this work as...
AuthorMaurice Blanchot
This long awaited reprint of a book about which John Hollander wrote: 'A masterful version of one of the most remarkable novels in any language since World War II,' is the story of the narrator's relations with two women, one terminally ill, the other found motionless by him in a darkened room after a bomb...
AuthorPaul Verlaine
De magnifiques poèmes, très expressifs, symboliques, avec des couleurs, et même comiques .

"Les sanglots longs
Des violons
De l'automne
Blessent mon cœur
D'une langueur

Tout suffocant
Et blême, quand
Sonne l'heure,

Poésies / Une saison en enfer / Illuminations
AuthorArthur Rimbaud
Ici, point de jolis poèmes ciselés, de fleurettes ni de petits oiseaux. Pas de rimes savantes ni d’audaces de versification. La Saison, ce n’est pas ce genre de poésie. C’est une plongée au cœur d’une âme effrénée qui traverse une crise morale et intellectuelle aux allures de cataclysme....
Les Chants de Maldoror et autres textes
AuthorComte de Lautréamont
De la peste, du pus et des poux : tel pourrait être le leitmotiv de cet invraisemblable petit brûlot, tout entier nourri de violence, d'idées morbides et de délires à la limite du supportable. Et que n'ont pas supporté les bien-pensants de l'époque, les mêmes qui, à Charleville, méprisaient...
Sukkwan Island
AuthorDavid Vann
Une île sauvage du Sud de l’Alaska, accessible uniquement par bateau ou par hydravion, tout en forêts humides et montagnes escarpées. C’est dans ce décor que Jim décide d’emmener son fils de treize ans pour y vivre dans une cabane isolée, une année durant. Après une succession d’échecs...
AuthorNathalie Sarraute
Considered one of the major French writers of our century, Nathalie Sarraute is the author of several novels, plays, and essays, as well as of Childhood, her autobiography. A pioneer of the nouveau roman (or "new novel"), a literary movement that sought to free the novel from the confines of plot, characterization,...
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